Boltzmann Wealth Model (Tutorial)#
A simple model of agents exchanging wealth. All agents start with the same amount of money. Every step, each agent with one unit of money or more gives one unit of wealth to another random agent. This is the model described in the Intro Tutorial, with the completed code.
If you want to go over the step-by-step tutorial, please go and run the Jupyter Notebook. The code here runs the finalized code in the last cells directly.
As the model runs, the distribution of wealth among agents goes from being perfectly uniform (all agents have the same starting wealth), to highly skewed – a small number have high wealth, more have none at all.
How to Run#
To follow the tutorial example, launch the Jupyter Notebook and run the code in Introduction to Mesa Tutorial Code.ipynb
which you can find in the main mesa repo here
To launch the interactive server, as described in the last section of the tutorial, run:
$ solara run
If your browser doesn’t open automatically, point it to When the visualization loads, click on the Play button.
: Final version of the
: Final version of the
: Code for the interactive visualization.
An optional visualization is also provided using Streamlit, which is another popular Python library for creating interactive web applications.
To run the Streamlit app, you will need to install the streamlit
and altair
$ pip install streamlit altair
Then, you can run the Streamlit app using the following command:
$ streamlit run
Further Reading#
The full tutorial describing how the model is built can be found at:
This model is drawn from econophysics and presents a statistical mechanics approach to wealth distribution. Some examples of further reading on the topic can be found at:
Milakovic, M. A Statistical Equilibrium Model of Wealth Distribution. February, 2001.
from mesa import Agent
class MoneyAgent(Agent):
"""An agent with fixed initial wealth.
Each agent starts with 1 unit of wealth and can give 1 unit to other agents
if they occupy the same cell.
wealth (int): The agent's current wealth (starts at 1)
def __init__(self, model):
"""Create a new agent.
model (Model): The model instance that contains the agent
self.wealth = 1
def move(self):
"""Move the agent to a random neighboring cell."""
possible_steps = self.model.grid.get_neighborhood(
self.pos, moore=True, include_center=False
new_position = self.random.choice(possible_steps)
self.model.grid.move_agent(self, new_position)
def give_money(self):
"""Give 1 unit of wealth to a random agent in the same cell."""
cellmates = self.model.grid.get_cell_list_contents([self.pos])
# Remove self from potential recipients
if cellmates: # Only give money if there are other agents present
other = self.random.choice(cellmates)
other.wealth += 1
self.wealth -= 1
def step(self):
"""Execute one step for the agent:
1. Move to a neighboring cell
2. If wealth > 0, maybe give money to another agent in the same cell
if self.wealth > 0:
Boltzmann Wealth Model
A simple model of wealth distribution based on the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution.
Agents move randomly on a grid, giving one unit of wealth to a random neighbor
when they occupy the same cell.
from mesa import Model
from mesa.datacollection import DataCollector
from mesa.examples.basic.boltzmann_wealth_model.agents import MoneyAgent
from import MultiGrid
class BoltzmannWealth(Model):
"""A simple model of an economy where agents exchange currency at random.
All agents begin with one unit of currency, and each time step agents can give
a unit of currency to another agent in the same cell. Over time, this produces
a highly skewed distribution of wealth.
num_agents (int): Number of agents in the model
grid (MultiGrid): The space in which agents move
running (bool): Whether the model should continue running
datacollector (DataCollector): Collects and stores model data
def __init__(self, n=100, width=10, height=10, seed=None):
"""Initialize the model.
n (int, optional): Number of agents. Defaults to 100.
width (int, optional): Grid width. Defaults to 10.
height (int, optional): Grid height. Defaults to 10.
seed (int, optional): Random seed. Defaults to None.
self.num_agents = n
self.grid = MultiGrid(width, height, torus=True)
# Set up data collection
self.datacollector = DataCollector(
model_reporters={"Gini": self.compute_gini},
agent_reporters={"Wealth": "wealth"},
# Create and place the agents
for _ in range(self.num_agents):
agent = MoneyAgent(self)
# Add agent to random grid cell
x = self.random.randrange(self.grid.width)
y = self.random.randrange(self.grid.height)
self.grid.place_agent(agent, (x, y))
self.running = True
def step(self):
self.agents.shuffle_do("step") # Activate all agents in random order
self.datacollector.collect(self) # Collect data
def compute_gini(self):
"""Calculate the Gini coefficient for the model's current wealth distribution.
The Gini coefficient is a measure of inequality in distributions.
- A Gini of 0 represents complete equality, where all agents have equal wealth.
- A Gini of 1 represents maximal inequality, where one agent has all wealth.
agent_wealths = [agent.wealth for agent in self.agents]
x = sorted(agent_wealths)
n = self.num_agents
# Calculate using the standard formula for Gini coefficient
b = sum(xi * (n - i) for i, xi in enumerate(x)) / (n * sum(x))
return 1 + (1 / n) - 2 * b
from mesa.examples.basic.boltzmann_wealth_model.model import BoltzmannWealth
from mesa.mesa_logging import DEBUG, log_to_stderr
from mesa.visualization import (
def agent_portrayal(agent):
color = agent.wealth # we are using a colormap to translate wealth to color
return {"color": color}
model_params = {
"seed": {
"type": "InputText",
"value": 42,
"label": "Random Seed",
"n": {
"type": "SliderInt",
"value": 50,
"label": "Number of agents:",
"min": 10,
"max": 100,
"step": 1,
"width": 10,
"height": 10,
def post_process(ax):
ax.get_figure().colorbar(ax.collections[0], label="wealth", ax=ax)
# Create initial model instance
model = BoltzmannWealth(50, 10, 10)
# Create visualization elements. The visualization elements are solara components
# that receive the model instance as a "prop" and display it in a certain way.
# Under the hood these are just classes that receive the model instance.
# You can also author your own visualization elements, which can also be functions
# that receive the model instance and return a valid solara component.
SpaceGraph = make_space_component(
agent_portrayal, cmap="viridis", vmin=0, vmax=10, post_process=post_process
GiniPlot = make_plot_component("Gini")
# Create the SolaraViz page. This will automatically create a server and display the
# visualization elements in a web browser.
# Display it using the following command in the example directory:
# solara run
# It will automatically update and display any changes made to this file
page = SolaraViz(
components=[SpaceGraph, GiniPlot],
name="Boltzmann Wealth Model",
page # noqa
# In a notebook environment, we can also display the visualization elements directly
# SpaceGraph(model1)
# GiniPlot(model1)
# The plots will be static. If you want to pick up model steps,
# you have to make the model reactive first
# reactive_model = solara.reactive(model1)
# SpaceGraph(reactive_model)
# In a different notebook block:
# reactive_model.value.step()