Demographic Prisoner’s Dilemma on a Grid#
The Demographic Prisoner’s Dilemma is a family of variants on the classic two-player [Prisoner’s Dilemma]. The model consists of agents, each with a strategy of either Cooperate or Defect. Each agent’s payoff is based on its strategy and the strategies of its spatial neighbors. After each step of the model, the agents adopt the strategy of their neighbor with the highest total score.
The model payoff table is:
Cooperate |
Defect |
Cooperate |
1, 1 |
0, D |
Defect |
D, 0 |
0, 0 |
Where D is the defection bonus, generally set higher than 1. In these runs, the defection bonus is set to $D=1.6$.
The Demographic Prisoner’s Dilemma demonstrates how simple rules can lead to the emergence of widespread cooperation, despite the Defection strategy dominating each individual interaction game. However, it is also interesting for another reason: it is known to be sensitive to the activation regime employed in it.
How to Run#
Web based model simulation#
To run the model interactively, run solara run
in this directory.
Jupyter Notebook#
Launch the Demographic Prisoner's Dilemma Activation Schedule.ipynb
notebook and run the code.
: contains the agent
: contains the model class; the model takes aactivation_order
string as an argument, which determines in which order agents are activated: Sequential, Random or
: contains the interactive visualization server.Demographic Prisoner's Dilemma Activation Schedule.ipynb
: Jupyter Notebook for running the scheduling experiment. This runs the model three times, one for each activation type, and demonstrates how the activation regime drives the model to different outcomes.
Further Reading#
This model is adapted from:
Wilensky, U. (2002). NetLogo PD Basic Evolutionary model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
The Demographic Prisoner’s Dilemma originates from:
Epstein, J. Zones of Cooperation in Demographic Prisoner’s Dilemma. 1998.
from mesa.experimental.cell_space import CellAgent
class PDAgent(CellAgent):
"""Agent member of the iterated, spatial prisoner's dilemma model."""
def __init__(self, model, starting_move=None, cell=None):
Create a new Prisoner's Dilemma agent.
model: model instance
starting_move: If provided, determines the agent's initial state:
C(ooperating) or D(efecting). Otherwise, random.
self.score = 0
self.cell = cell
if starting_move:
self.move = starting_move
self.move = self.random.choice(["C", "D"])
self.next_move = None
def is_cooroperating(self):
return self.move == "C"
def step(self):
"""Get the best neighbor's move, and change own move accordingly
if better than own score."""
# neighbors = self.model.grid.get_neighbors(self.pos, True, include_center=True)
neighbors = [*list(self.cell.neighborhood.agents), self]
best_neighbor = max(neighbors, key=lambda a: a.score)
self.next_move = best_neighbor.move
if self.model.activation_order != "Simultaneous":
def advance(self):
self.move = self.next_move
self.score += self.increment_score()
def increment_score(self):
neighbors = self.cell.neighborhood.agents
if self.model.activation_order == "Simultaneous":
moves = [neighbor.next_move for neighbor in neighbors]
moves = [neighbor.move for neighbor in neighbors]
return sum(self.model.payoff[(self.move, move)] for move in moves)
import mesa
from mesa.examples.advanced.pd_grid.agents import PDAgent
from mesa.experimental.cell_space import OrthogonalMooreGrid
class PdGrid(mesa.Model):
"""Model class for iterated, spatial prisoner's dilemma model."""
activation_regimes = ["Sequential", "Random", "Simultaneous"]
# This dictionary holds the payoff for this agent,
# keyed on: (my_move, other_move)
payoff = {("C", "C"): 1, ("C", "D"): 0, ("D", "C"): 1.6, ("D", "D"): 0}
def __init__(
self, width=50, height=50, activation_order="Random", payoffs=None, seed=None
Create a new Spatial Prisoners' Dilemma Model.
width, height: Grid size. There will be one agent per grid cell.
activation_order: Can be "Sequential", "Random", or "Simultaneous".
Determines the agent activation regime.
payoffs: (optional) Dictionary of (move, neighbor_move) payoffs.
self.activation_order = activation_order
self.grid = OrthogonalMooreGrid((width, height), torus=True, random=self.random)
if payoffs is not None:
self.payoff = payoffs
self, len(self.grid.all_cells.cells), cell=self.grid.all_cells.cells
self.datacollector = mesa.DataCollector(
"Cooperating_Agents": lambda m: len(
[a for a in m.agents if a.move == "C"]
self.running = True
def step(self):
# Activate all agents, based on the activation regime
match self.activation_order:
case "Sequential":"step")
case "Random":
case "Simultaneous":"step")"advance")
case _:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown activation order: {self.activation_order}")
# Collect data
def run(self, n):
"""Run the model for n steps."""
for _ in range(n):
Solara-based visualization for the Spatial Prisoner's Dilemma Model.
from mesa.examples.advanced.pd_grid.model import PdGrid
from mesa.visualization import (
def pd_agent_portrayal(agent):
Portrayal function for rendering PD agents in the visualization.
return {
"color": "blue" if agent.move == "C" else "red",
"marker": "s", # square marker
"size": 25,
# Model parameters
model_params = {
"seed": {
"type": "InputText",
"value": 42,
"label": "Random Seed",
"width": Slider("Grid Width", value=50, min=10, max=100, step=1),
"height": Slider("Grid Height", value=50, min=10, max=100, step=1),
"activation_order": {
"type": "Select",
"value": "Random",
"values": PdGrid.activation_regimes,
"label": "Activation Regime",
# Create grid visualization component using Altair
grid_viz = make_space_component(agent_portrayal=pd_agent_portrayal)
# Create plot for tracking cooperating agents over time
plot_component = make_plot_component("Cooperating_Agents")
# Initialize model
initial_model = PdGrid()
# Create visualization with all components
page = SolaraViz(
components=[grid_viz, plot_component],
name="Spatial Prisoner's Dilemma",
page # noqa B018