Source code for experimental.cell_space.grid

"""Grid-based cell space implementations with different connection patterns.

Provides several grid types for organizing cells:
- OrthogonalMooreGrid: 8 neighbors in 2D, (3^n)-1 in nD
- OrthogonalVonNeumannGrid: 4 neighbors in 2D, 2n in nD
- HexGrid: 6 neighbors in hexagonal pattern (2D only)

Each grid type supports optional wrapping (torus) and cell capacity limits.
Choose based on how movement and connectivity should work in your model -
Moore for unrestricted movement, Von Neumann for orthogonal-only movement,
or Hex for more uniform distances.

from __future__ import annotations

import copyreg
from import Sequence
from itertools import product
from random import Random
from typing import Any, Generic, TypeVar

from mesa.experimental.cell_space import Cell, DiscreteSpace
from mesa.experimental.cell_space.property_layer import (

T = TypeVar("T", bound=Cell)

[docs] def pickle_gridcell(obj): """Helper function for pickling GridCell instances.""" # we have the base class and the state via __getstate__ args = obj.__class__.__bases__[0], obj.__getstate__() return unpickle_gridcell, args
[docs] def unpickle_gridcell(parent, fields): """Helper function for unpickling GridCell instances.""" # since the class is dynamically created, we recreate it here cell_klass = type( "GridCell", (parent,), {"_mesa_properties": set()}, ) instance = cell_klass( (0, 0) ) # we use a default coordinate and overwrite it with the correct value next # __gestate__ returns a tuple with dict and slots, but slots contains the dict so we can just use the # second item only for k, v in fields[1].items(): if k != "__dict__": setattr(instance, k, v) return instance
[docs] class Grid(DiscreteSpace[T], Generic[T], HasPropertyLayers): """Base class for all grid classes. Attributes: dimensions (Sequence[int]): the dimensions of the grid torus (bool): whether the grid is a torus capacity (int): the capacity of a grid cell random (Random): the random number generator _try_random (bool): whether to get empty cell be repeatedly trying random cell Notes: width and height are accessible via properties, higher dimensions can be retrieved via dimensions """ @property def width(self) -> int: """Convenience access to the width of the grid.""" return self.dimensions[0] @property def height(self) -> int: """Convenience access to the height of the grid.""" return self.dimensions[1] def __init__( self, dimensions: Sequence[int], torus: bool = False, capacity: float | None = None, random: Random | None = None, cell_klass: type[T] = Cell, ) -> None: """Initialise the grid class. Args: dimensions: the dimensions of the space torus: whether the space wraps capacity: capacity of the grid cell random: a random number generator cell_klass: the base class to use for the cells """ super().__init__(capacity=capacity, random=random, cell_klass=cell_klass) self.torus = torus self.dimensions = dimensions self._try_random = True self._ndims = len(dimensions) self._validate_parameters() self.cell_klass = type( "GridCell", (self.cell_klass,), {"_mesa_properties": set()}, ) # we register the pickle_gridcell helper function copyreg.pickle(self.cell_klass, pickle_gridcell) coordinates = product(*(range(dim) for dim in self.dimensions)) self._cells = { coord: self.cell_klass(coord, capacity, random=self.random) for coord in coordinates } self._connect_cells() self.create_property_layer("empty", default_value=True, dtype=bool) def _connect_cells(self) -> None: if self._ndims == 2: self._connect_cells_2d() else: self._connect_cells_nd() def _connect_cells_2d(self) -> None: ... def _connect_cells_nd(self) -> None: ... def _validate_parameters(self): if not all(isinstance(dim, int) and dim > 0 for dim in self.dimensions): raise ValueError("Dimensions must be a list of positive integers.") if not isinstance(self.torus, bool): raise ValueError("Torus must be a boolean.") if self.capacity is not None and not isinstance(self.capacity, float | int): raise ValueError("Capacity must be a number or None.")
[docs] def select_random_empty_cell(self) -> T: # noqa # FIXME:: currently just a simple boolean to control behavior # FIXME:: basically if grid is close to 99% full, creating empty list can be faster # FIXME:: note however that the old results don't apply because in this implementation # FIXME:: because empties list needs to be rebuild each time # This method is based on Agents.jl's random_empty() implementation. See # For the discussion, see # and # The cutoff value provided # is the break-even comparison with the time taken in the else branching point. if self._try_random: while True: cell = self.all_cells.select_random_cell() if cell.is_empty: return cell else: return super().select_random_empty_cell()
def _connect_single_cell_nd(self, cell: T, offsets: list[tuple[int, ...]]) -> None: coord = cell.coordinate for d_coord in offsets: n_coord = tuple(c + dc for c, dc in zip(coord, d_coord)) if self.torus: n_coord = tuple(nc % d for nc, d in zip(n_coord, self.dimensions)) if all(0 <= nc < d for nc, d in zip(n_coord, self.dimensions)): cell.connect(self._cells[n_coord], d_coord) def _connect_single_cell_2d(self, cell: T, offsets: list[tuple[int, int]]) -> None: i, j = cell.coordinate height, width = self.dimensions for di, dj in offsets: ni, nj = (i + di, j + dj) if self.torus: ni, nj = ni % height, nj % width if 0 <= ni < height and 0 <= nj < width: cell.connect(self._cells[ni, nj], (di, dj)) def __getstate__(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Custom __getstate__ for handling dynamic GridCell class and PropertyDescriptors.""" state = super().__getstate__() state = {k: v for k, v in state.items() if k != "cell_klass"} return state def __setstate__(self, state: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Custom __setstate__ for handling dynamic GridCell class and PropertyDescriptors.""" self.__dict__ = state self._connect_cells() # using super fails for this for some reason, so we repeat ourselves self.cell_klass = type( self._cells[(0, 0)] ) # the __reduce__ function handles this for us nicely for layer in self._mesa_property_layers.values(): setattr(self.cell_klass,, PropertyDescriptor(layer))
[docs] class OrthogonalMooreGrid(Grid[T]): """Grid where cells are connected to their 8 neighbors. Example for two dimensions: directions = [ (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), ( 0, -1), ( 0, 1), ( 1, -1), ( 1, 0), ( 1, 1), ] """ def _connect_cells_2d(self) -> None: # fmt: off offsets = [ (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), ( 0, -1), ( 0, 1), ( 1, -1), ( 1, 0), ( 1, 1), ] # fmt: on for cell in self.all_cells: self._connect_single_cell_2d(cell, offsets) def _connect_cells_nd(self) -> None: offsets = list(product([-1, 0, 1], repeat=len(self.dimensions))) offsets.remove((0,) * len(self.dimensions)) # Remove the central cell for cell in self.all_cells: self._connect_single_cell_nd(cell, offsets)
[docs] class OrthogonalVonNeumannGrid(Grid[T]): """Grid where cells are connected to their 4 neighbors. Example for two dimensions: directions = [ (0, -1), (-1, 0), ( 1, 0), (0, 1), ] """ def _connect_cells_2d(self) -> None: # fmt: off offsets = [ (-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1), ( 1, 0), ] # fmt: on for cell in self.all_cells: self._connect_single_cell_2d(cell, offsets) def _connect_cells_nd(self) -> None: offsets: list[tuple[int, ...]] = [] dimensions = len(self.dimensions) for dim in range(dimensions): for delta in [ -1, 1, ]: # Move one step in each direction for the current dimension offset = [0] * dimensions offset[dim] = delta offsets.append(tuple(offset)) for cell in self.all_cells: self._connect_single_cell_nd(cell, offsets)
[docs] class HexGrid(Grid[T]): """A Grid with hexagonal tilling of the space.""" def _connect_cells_2d(self) -> None: # fmt: off even_offsets = [ (-1, -1), (-1, 0), ( 0, -1), ( 0, 1), ( 1, -1), ( 1, 0), ] odd_offsets = [ (-1, 0), (-1, 1), ( 0, -1), ( 0, 1), ( 1, 0), ( 1, 1), ] # fmt: on for cell in self.all_cells: i = cell.coordinate[0] offsets = even_offsets if i % 2 == 0 else odd_offsets self._connect_single_cell_2d(cell, offsets=offsets) def _connect_cells_nd(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("HexGrids are only defined for 2 dimensions") def _validate_parameters(self): super()._validate_parameters() if len(self.dimensions) != 2: raise ValueError("HexGrid must have exactly 2 dimensions.")