Source code for experimental.cell_space.cell

"""Cells are positions in space that can have properties and contain agents.

A cell represents a location that can:
- Have properties (like temperature or resources)
- Track and limit the agents it contains
- Connect to neighboring cells
- Provide neighborhood information

Cells form the foundation of the cell space system, enabling rich spatial
environments where both location properties and agent behaviors matter. They're
useful for modeling things like varying terrain, infrastructure capacity, or
environmental conditions.

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import cache, cached_property
from random import Random
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from mesa.experimental.cell_space.cell_agent import CellAgent
from mesa.experimental.cell_space.cell_collection import CellCollection

    from mesa.agent import Agent

Coordinate = tuple[int, ...]

[docs] class Cell: """The cell represents a position in a discrete space. Attributes: coordinate (Tuple[int, int]) : the position of the cell in the discrete space agents (List[Agent]): the agents occupying the cell capacity (int): the maximum number of agents that can simultaneously occupy the cell random (Random): the random number generator """ __slots__ = [ "__dict__", "agents", "capacity", "connections", "coordinate", "properties", "random", ] def __init__( self, coordinate: Coordinate, capacity: int | None = None, random: Random | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialise the cell. Args: coordinate: coordinates of the cell capacity (int) : the capacity of the cell. If None, the capacity is infinite random (Random) : the random number generator to use """ super().__init__() self.coordinate = coordinate self.connections: dict[Coordinate, Cell] = {} self.agents: list[ Agent ] = [] # TODO:: change to AgentSet or weakrefs? (neither is very performant, ) self.capacity: int | None = capacity dict[ Coordinate, object ] = {} # fixme still used by voronoi mesh self.random = random
[docs] def connect(self, other: Cell, key: Coordinate | None = None) -> None: """Connects this cell to another cell. Args: other (Cell): other cell to connect to key (Tuple[int, ...]): key for the connection. Should resemble a relative coordinate """ if key is None: key = other.coordinate self.connections[key] = other
[docs] def disconnect(self, other: Cell) -> None: """Disconnects this cell from another cell. Args: other (Cell): other cell to remove from connections """ keys_to_remove = [k for k, v in self.connections.items() if v == other] for key in keys_to_remove: del self.connections[key]
[docs] def add_agent(self, agent: CellAgent) -> None: """Adds an agent to the cell. Args: agent (CellAgent): agent to add to this Cell """ n = len(self.agents) self.empty = False if self.capacity and n >= self.capacity: raise Exception( "ERROR: Cell is full" ) # FIXME we need MESA errors or a proper error self.agents.append(agent)
[docs] def remove_agent(self, agent: CellAgent) -> None: """Removes an agent from the cell. Args: agent (CellAgent): agent to remove from this cell """ self.agents.remove(agent) self.empty = self.is_empty
@property def is_empty(self) -> bool: """Returns a bool of the contents of a cell.""" return len(self.agents) == 0 @property def is_full(self) -> bool: """Returns a bool of the contents of a cell.""" return len(self.agents) == self.capacity def __repr__(self): # noqa return f"Cell({self.coordinate}, {self.agents})"
[docs] @cached_property def neighborhood(self) -> CellCollection[Cell]: """Returns the direct neighborhood of the cell. This is equivalent to cell.get_neighborhood(radius=1) """ return self.get_neighborhood()
# FIXME: Revisit caching strategy on methods
[docs] @cache # noqa: B019 def get_neighborhood( self, radius: int = 1, include_center: bool = False ) -> CellCollection[Cell]: """Returns a list of all neighboring cells for the given radius. For getting the direct neighborhood (i.e., radius=1) you can also use the `neighborhood` property. Args: radius (int): the radius of the neighborhood include_center (bool): include the center of the neighborhood Returns: a list of all neighboring cells """ return CellCollection[Cell]( self._neighborhood(radius=radius, include_center=include_center), random=self.random, )
# FIXME: Revisit caching strategy on methods @cache # noqa: B019 def _neighborhood( self, radius: int = 1, include_center: bool = False ) -> dict[Cell, list[Agent]]: # if radius == 0: # return {self: self.agents} if radius < 1: raise ValueError("radius must be larger than one") if radius == 1: neighborhood = { neighbor: neighbor.agents for neighbor in self.connections.values() } if not include_center: return neighborhood else: neighborhood[self] = self.agents return neighborhood else: neighborhood: dict[Cell, list[Agent]] = {} for neighbor in self.connections.values(): neighborhood.update( neighbor._neighborhood(radius - 1, include_center=True) ) if not include_center: neighborhood.pop(self, None) return neighborhood def __getstate__(self): """Return state of the Cell with connections set to empty.""" # fixme, once we shift to 3.11, replace this with super. __getstate__ state = (self.__dict__, {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self.__slots__}) state[1][ "connections" ] = {} # replace this with empty connections to avoid infinite recursion error in pickle/deepcopy return state