Source code for mesa.batchrunner

import itertools
from import Iterable, Mapping
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

from import tqdm

from mesa.model import Model

[docs] def batch_run( model_cls: type[Model], parameters: Mapping[str, Union[Any, Iterable[Any]]], # We still retain the Optional[int] because users may set it to None (i.e. use all CPUs) number_processes: Optional[int] = 1, iterations: int = 1, data_collection_period: int = -1, max_steps: int = 1000, display_progress: bool = True, ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Batch run a mesa model with a set of parameter values. Parameters ---------- model_cls : Type[Model] The model class to batch-run parameters : Mapping[str, Union[Any, Iterable[Any]]], Dictionary with model parameters over which to run the model. You can either pass single values or iterables. number_processes : int, optional Number of processes used, by default 1. Set this to None if you want to use all CPUs. iterations : int, optional Number of iterations for each parameter combination, by default 1 data_collection_period : int, optional Number of steps after which data gets collected, by default -1 (end of episode) max_steps : int, optional Maximum number of model steps after which the model halts, by default 1000 display_progress : bool, optional Display batch run process, by default True Returns ------- List[Dict[str, Any]] [description] """ runs_list = [] run_id = 0 for iteration in range(iterations): for kwargs in _make_model_kwargs(parameters): runs_list.append((run_id, iteration, kwargs)) run_id += 1 process_func = partial( _model_run_func, model_cls, max_steps=max_steps, data_collection_period=data_collection_period, ) results: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] with tqdm(total=len(runs_list), disable=not display_progress) as pbar: if number_processes == 1: for run in runs_list: data = process_func(run) results.extend(data) pbar.update() else: with Pool(number_processes) as p: for data in p.imap_unordered(process_func, runs_list): results.extend(data) pbar.update() return results
def _make_model_kwargs( parameters: Mapping[str, Union[Any, Iterable[Any]]], ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Create model kwargs from parameters dictionary. Parameters ---------- parameters : Mapping[str, Union[Any, Iterable[Any]]] Single or multiple values for each model parameter name Returns ------- List[Dict[str, Any]] A list of all kwargs combinations. """ parameter_list = [] for param, values in parameters.items(): if isinstance(values, str): # The values is a single string, so we shouldn't iterate over it. all_values = [(param, values)] else: try: all_values = [(param, value) for value in values] except TypeError: all_values = [(param, values)] parameter_list.append(all_values) all_kwargs = itertools.product(*parameter_list) kwargs_list = [dict(kwargs) for kwargs in all_kwargs] return kwargs_list def _model_run_func( model_cls: type[Model], run: tuple[int, int, dict[str, Any]], max_steps: int, data_collection_period: int, ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Run a single model run and collect model and agent data. Parameters ---------- model_cls : Type[Model] The model class to batch-run run: Tuple[int, int, Dict[str, Any]] The run id, iteration number, and kwargs for this run max_steps : int Maximum number of model steps after which the model halts, by default 1000 data_collection_period : int Number of steps after which data gets collected Returns ------- List[Dict[str, Any]] Return model_data, agent_data from the reporters """ run_id, iteration, kwargs = run model = model_cls(**kwargs) while model.running and model.schedule.steps <= max_steps: model.step() data = [] steps = list(range(0, model.schedule.steps, data_collection_period)) if not steps or steps[-1] != model.schedule.steps - 1: steps.append(model.schedule.steps - 1) for step in steps: model_data, all_agents_data = _collect_data(model, step) # If there are agent_reporters, then create an entry for each agent if all_agents_data: stepdata = [ { "RunId": run_id, "iteration": iteration, "Step": step, **kwargs, **model_data, **agent_data, } for agent_data in all_agents_data ] # If there is only model data, then create a single entry for the step else: stepdata = [ { "RunId": run_id, "iteration": iteration, "Step": step, **kwargs, **model_data, } ] data.extend(stepdata) return data def _collect_data( model: Model, step: int, ) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], list[dict[str, Any]]]: """Collect model and agent data from a model using mesas datacollector.""" dc = model.datacollector model_data = {param: values[step] for param, values in dc.model_vars.items()} all_agents_data = [] raw_agent_data = dc._agent_records.get(step, []) for data in raw_agent_data: agent_dict = {"AgentID": data[1]} agent_dict.update(zip(dc.agent_reporters, data[2:])) all_agents_data.append(agent_dict) return model_data, all_agents_data